
1402 Camden Rd/Hwy 521
Sumter, SC 29151

Come and hear true bible teaching and meet our members who love God.

Returning Guidelines

We are asking our members and guests to comply with the following guidelines:

(1) Hand sanitizers are in the foyer for your use as you enter the building.

(2) Upon entering the building, the communion and collection trays will be in the foyer. Each member will be asked to pick up their individual communion and deposit their collection in the designated tray.

(4) Once the communion service has ended, the cups will be placed in the rack on the back of the pews for those seated in the auditorium. In the fellowship hall, trash bins will be used for collection of the empty cups.

Let us all practice kindness, consideration, and concern in love for one another. If you have any questions, see one of the elders. We look forward to seeing everyone.

Schedule of Services


 Bible Class 10:00 am
 Morning Assembly 11:00 am
 Evening Assembly 6:00 pm

First Sunday

October – June

 Bible Class 10:00am
 Morning Assembly 11:00am
 Fellowship Meal 12:30pm
 Afternoon Assembly 1:30pm


 Wednesday Evening Bible Class 7:00 pm